Escaping the Corporate Grind & Residual Income

Escaping the Corporate Grind & Residual Income
How I Left My Corporate Job for a Career of Purpose and Residual Income

Leaving a stable corporate job to pursue your passion and find greater purpose can be a daunting decision. But for me, it became a necessity. After years of toiling away, dealing with toxic work environments, and feeling unfulfilled, I knew I had to make a change. In the midst of my struggle, health challenges made it even more apparent that I needed a way out of the corporate world. Little did I know that my journey would lead me to discover the power of residual income and open doors to a life of purpose, meaning, and passion.


The off button for negative mental chatter

The off button for negative mental chatter
By the time I was 29 years old, my health was a mess!! Even though I was taking natural supplements from the pharmacy, my health was not getting any better! I had psoriasis all over my skin, my hormones were unbalanced, I was piling on the weight, I had been dealing with back pain from scoliosis, and my mental health was NOT in good shape.

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